While the world is struggling with the Corona virus outbreak, the theories about what causes this virus and why its spreading keeps increasing as well. One of them was the claim that 5G spreads the virus more easily, and with various conspiracy theories, this gossip spread all over the world, almost at COVID-19 speed. Videos posted on YouTube were watched by millions, Facebook shares took place in almost everyone's timeline. This particular gossip has reached such a point that people have begun to harm 5G transmitters and start reacting to 5G technology. However, the facts were not surpporting this rumor at all. It is not possible for radio waves to produce any virus, spread this virus or affect a human immune system at that level because of the low frequency they had. Plus, there isn't any scientific proof that connects 5G and coronavirus pandemic.
In response to the conspiracy theories about this issue, many scientists announced that this issue was not true, the virus spreads from person to person, and it was not related to radio waves at any point.
Dean of Colorado School of Public Health Jonathan M Samet's statement;
"This story about 5G has no credence scientifically and is certainly a potential distraction, as is other such misinformation, from controlling the COVID-19 epidemic."
In the light of all these explanations, Youtube has announced that they will remove all videos related to this claim, which is not based on any basis, and they will give more importance to the subject of misinformation via internet and social media.
Here is the Youtube announcement;
"We're committed to providing timely and helpful information at this critical time, including raising authoritative content, reducing the spread of harmful misinformation and showing information panels, using NHS and WHO data, to help combat misinformation. Now any content that disputes the existence or transmission of COVID-19, as described by the WHO and local health authorities, is in violation of YouTube policies. This includes conspiracy theories which claim that the symptoms are caused by 5G.''
Facebook has also announced that they will remove such false claims.
It is certain that we will have more information about the Coronavirus and the cause of the epidemic very soon, but none of these reasons are not and will not be related with 5G. In this process, it is very crucial to give attention the statements of the institutions such as the World Health Organization. Also it is essential to stay away from the rumors and conspiracy theory environments created in social media. It is also important for the authorities to transparently and quickly inform people about the virus and keep them away from misleading.
You can click here to read the COVID-19 outbreak and the entire 5G conspiracy theory.
Also learn more about the effects of COVID-19 to the telecom sector by clicking here.