In our VoIP guide, today's subject is ASR, Average Success Rate. In this article you will find detailed information about why ASR may be low, the reasons and the results. Let's start!
What is the meaning of ASR - Average Success Rate
Average Success Rate is the connection percentage of VoIP traffic. This percentage changes due to the traffic profile and route quality.
The reasons for low ASR rates
There are several reasons for getting a low Average Success Rate. Here are some of them:
Traffic Profile
Every VoIP traffic has a natural %ASR. To define this profile, we need to direct the traffic to the direct route. Then we can figure out the profile's rates. The traffic profiles that have a low success rate are;
Junk Traffic Profile
The calls that have a 1-2% success rate and turned to spam are called junk traffic. If we direct those traffic to the direct route there will be no change in the rates. Junk traffic is an unwanted traffic profile in VoIP.
Cheap ANI Destination
Some traffic comes from cheap destinations. For example; the callers from countries like India, Pakistan tend to make miss-calls to the people that they call, and they call them back afterwards. This is the main reason for low ASR rates in cheap ANI destinations.
Wholesale Traffic
A wholesale VoIP traffic can occur due to some retail, call center or cheap ANI destination and junk traffic. This can reduce the rate of success and also ACD.
Call Back Traffic
This is also like a cheap ANI destination. The caller from high-priced location says ''Can you call me back'' and closes the phone. ACD rate is low in this kind of profile.
Route Capacity and Problems
Limited Capacity
Under normal circumstances, the operator should not have the capacity in traffic terminating. But operators can sometimes limit a provider that sends traffic. Because of this it sends too much traffic and owes it to the operator, or the carriers which causes limited capacity and low ASR.
Filter Route
These are lists created by gateway owners to earn more money and increase the duration of their sim cards. Creating a whitelist by taking numbers with high talk minutes in traffic and rejecting incoming traffic before reaching the gateway is called a filter route.
NCLI Route
NCLI can be an opened route without route filter. Capacity problems may occur on NCLI routes. The route capacity is reduced when some of the sim cards inside the gateway are blocked by the operator.
The ASR of NCLI routes are lower than the ASR of CLI routes. The reasons for this are;
If a call is attempting to end with a gsm gateway device, the caller's number changes and receives the number of the sim card in the gateway. The caller may not pick up the phone because he or she does not recognize this number.
Some SIM cards may run out of credits. This means that if the caller tries to make a call from the prepaid sim card, you can hear the no-credit IVR at the end the call. The caller may not be aware of the call. This is because the call cannot exit the gateway.
Filter ANI's
Some CLI and NCLI routes may not carry some ANIs. This may be due to their low capacity. Therefore, to use this capacity in the most efficient way, it accepts ANI destinations with the highest ACD and ASR values, or blocks ANI destinations that are very poor.
Forbidden ANI/DNS
Some numbers are blocked by operators. These numbers cannot be dialed or some A numbers are blocked by the operators.
In Ncli routes, capacity is usually low, which leads to an ASR low.
Wrong Disconnect Codes
Some providers' routes may not work properly. Or some routers from the providers may not work. Therefore, if 503 is rejected without ringtone, this goes to backup provider (if there is a backup provider).