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Coronavirus Effect on Telecom; 47% Increase in Broadband Usage in Q1

OpenVault published a report on internet usage data in the first quarter of 2020. In this report, a big increase in broadband usage was observed due to COVID-19. When we compare this period with last year's numbers, we can easily see the increase in broadband usage is around 47%. If we turn the percentage into numbers, the average consumption is 402.5 GB. Broadband consumption, which was 273.5 GB in the first quarter of 2019, increased above the expectations of 2020. Undoubtedly, some of the biggest reasons for this situation are companies switching to a remote working model and compulsory social isolation due to the Coronavirus epidemic.

Increased use of broadband causes faster internet demand

People who cannot leave their homes because of the epidemic, use more internet to work, spend their days, communicate, shop, and have fun.

Increased internet usage was a great advantage for operators, while on the other hand, it was a challenge in terms of infrastructure and customer service. More demand means the more customer service and demand. This is a natural result of the increase in the usage of broadband.

What will happen after the isolation period?

When quarantine days are over and we return to our normal, or new normal lives, of course, the internet usage percentage will drop, but some things will not be the same. This period caused habits to change. Especially in business life, things will not be as they used to be.

On the other hand, things will not go back to normal in an instant and social distance rules will continue for a while before an effective vaccine against Coronavirus is developed.

There is a more digital life waiting for us in the future. We are moving rapidly towards a period when the environment is more important than the importance of place. The operators who provide the fastest internet service and provide perfect customer service are ahead in this race.

Demand for VoIP services will increase

Social isolation not only increased internet usage, but also increased the demand for the VoIP services. UAE for the first time allowed some VoIP applications on high demand during this period. The situation is the same for India. With its unique features, VoIP is very important for communication.

Contact us now for expert support in VoIP.

To read the full report, you can click here.

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